Xintan Electronics Provides Integrated Vertical Pogopin And Pogopin Connectors And Other Products.
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Pogo Pin ConnectorProduction

Main Business: Flat Bottom Pogo Pin, Welding Board Pogo Pin



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In the electroplating of pogo pin connectors, due to the higher electrical performance requirements of the contact, the gold plating process occupies an obvious important position in the electroplating of pogo pin connectors. At present, except for some strip material pogo pin connectors, the selective.......
​​Pogo pin, also called pogo pin, English name pogo pin; is a precision connector used in mobile phones and other electronic products, and is widely used in semiconductor equipment to play a role in connection. There are different appearances according to different applications, but as a whole, there is a precision spring structure inside the pogo pin. The surface of the product is generally gold-plated, and the unit price of the product is generally about 5 to 1 yuan........
​The application of pogo pins in the industry: The first thing to say is that our common hand, machine data lines, pogo pins play a connection role in the data lines, which can play the function of data transmission and charging, and the pogo pins can make signal transmission more Stable; charging saves time. The second is the hand, the various card slots in the machine and the battery contact shrapnel. It can also transmit data, and it can also appear in the form of durable shrapnel to ensure a better fit of the contact surface...
​Pogo pin (pogo pin) is a precision connector used in mobile phones and other electronic products. It is widely used in semiconductor equipment for connection. There are different appearances according to different applications, but as a whole, there is a precision spring structure inside the pogo pin. The surface of the product is generally gold-plated, and the spring should also be gold-plated when the process is required.......
The pogo pin connector is a very precise connection component, which is mainly used to connect electronic devices. Although the pogo pin connector is small in size, its internal structure is very precise. Now most pogo Pin connector manufacturers have bulk ordering services for pogo pin components, so what issues should be paid attention to when ordering pogo pin connectors........
​​The structure of the pogo pin connector; the composition of the pogo pin consists of three parts: needle, needle tube, and spring. Needle: There are three options for pogo pin needles. The material of pogopin pogopin needle and needle tube is generally brass, and copper is a very active metal. It will react with oxygen in the air when exposed to the air, and the surface will oxidize. Therefore, pogopin spring needles must be surface electroplated; the more commonly used is generally gold-plated on the surface, and some require nickel plating, zinc plating, silver plating or plating. Today we will talk about some of the problems that pogopin spring needles will encounter during the gilding process...
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