Xintan Electronics Provides Integrated Vertical Pogopin And Pogopin Connectors And Other Products.
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Pogo Pin ConnectorProduction

Main Business: Flat Bottom Pogo Pin, Welding Board Pogo Pin



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The main function of the pogo pin connector is to connect. It allows the device to maintain a continuous working current, and the size of the current can be customized according to the actual needs of the customer. The advantage of the pogo pin connector is that it has good elasticity and contractility, and plays an important role in the connection...
​Matters needing attention in the selection of spring thimble connector Spring thimble connector working stroke selection When selecting the spring thimble connector, you must make the choice according to the actual use of the product space, and choose the one within the working stroke range. Because the space is too small, it will cause excessive compression of the spring of the spring thimble connector, thereby reducing the service life. If the space is too large, the contact will not be in place, and the impedance will be unstable, and the phenomenon of instantaneous breakage will occur...
​Pogo pin connector operating frequency and duration introduction: stable contact resistance and high current pogo pin connector is mainly used in smart terminal equipment, so the current signal has stable performance. Working frequency and duration The high current pogo pin connector needs to be inserted and removed repeatedly during the working process. The working frequency is relatively strict. The service life of the pogopin can reach about 50,000, and some high-quality pogo pin connections The service life of the device can even reach one hundred thousand...
​Pogo pin is a precision connector used in mobile phones and other electronic products. It is widely used in semiconductor equipment for connection. There are different appearances according to different applications, but as a whole, there is a precision spring structure inside the pogo pin. The surface of the product is generally gold-plated, and the spring should also be gold-plated when the process is required. Pogo pin connector contact end design and form requirements...
In order to ensure 100% contact between the needle and the needle tube when working, we cut the end of the needle in contact with the spring into a bevel. This design concept can ensure low and stable contact impedance, and can absolutely ensure that this design is the best choice for small-sized connectors. Can meet the elasticity requirements of customers. The length of the matching spring of this design can exceed the length of the needle tube. In the case of limited space, the design of reverse drilling can obtain stable elastic force and stroke......
Pogo pin is a kind of precision connector used in mobile phones and other electronic products. It is widely used in semiconductor equipment for connection. There are different appearances according to different applications, but as a whole, there is a precision spring structure inside the pogo pin. The surface of the product is generally gold-plated, and the spring should also be gold-plated when the process is required.......
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