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Analysis of electroplating problems of pogo pin connectors

In the pogopin connector electroplating, due to the higher electrical performance requirements of the contact pair, the gold plating process occupies the pogo pin connector electroplating Obviously important position. At present, except for the selective gold electroplating process used in some strip spring pin connectors, the gold plating in the holes of a large number of pinhole parts is still carried out by barrel plating and vibration plating. In recent years, the connectors The volume has become more and more miniaturized, and the quality of the gold plating in the pinhole parts is becoming more and more prominent. Users have higher and higher requirements for the quality of the gold layer. Some users are even very picky about the appearance quality of the gold layer. Degree. In order to ensure the quality of the gold-plated layer of the connector, these common quality problems are always the key to improving the quality of the gold-plated connector. The reasons for these quality problems will be discussed one by one.

1. The color of the gold layer is abnormal

The color of the gold-plated layer of the pogo pin connector is inconsistent with the normal color of the gold layer, or the color of the gold layer of different parts in the same accessory product is different. The reason for this problem is:

2. The influence of the impurity of gold-plated raw materials

When the impurities introduced by the chemical materials added to the plating solution exceed the tolerance of the gold plating solution, it will quickly affect the color and brightness of the gold layer. If it is affected by organic impurities, the gold layer will become dark and bloom. The location of the darkening and blooming of the test piece is not fixed. If the interference of metal impurities, the effective range of current density will be narrowed. The test of the Hauer slot test shows that the current density of the test piece is not bright at the low end or the high end is not bright and the low end is plated. Can not be plated. It is reflected in the plated parts that the plating layer is reddish or even black, and the color changes in the holes are more obvious.

3. Gold plating current density is too large

Due to the calculation error of the total area of ​​the parts of the plating tank, the value is larger than the actual surface area, so that the gold plating current is too large, or the amplitude is too small when vibrating gold plating, so that all or part of the plating parts in the tank are crystallized coarsely. The gold layer was reddened visually.

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