Xintan Electronics Provides Integrated Vertical Pogopin And Pogopin Connectors And Other Products.
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Pogo Pin ConnectorProduction

Main Business: Flat Bottom Pogo Pin, Welding Board Pogo Pin



Mr. Huang

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Structural analysis of Pogo Pin connector

   As a commonly used connection device in high-demand electronic products such as mobile phones and wearable devices, the Pogo Pin connector plays an important role in connection and intercommunication; today I will simply analyze it.pogo pinThe structure of the connector;

   pogo pin is composed of three parts: needle, needle tube, and spring.

   1. Needle: There are three options for pogo pin needles.

  1, inclined plane

   In order to ensure 100% contact between the needle and the needle tube when working, we cut the end of the needle that contacts the spring into a bevel. This design concept can ensure a low and stable contact impedance, and can absolutely ensure the stable conduction of the product.

  2, reverse drilling

  This design is the best choice for small size connectors. Can meet the elasticity requirements of customers. The length of the matching spring of this design can exceed the length of the needle tube. In the case of limited space, the design of reverse drilling can obtain stable elastic force and stroke.

  3, flat bottom

   Because of the structure of the needle and the needle tube under certain conditions, the contact cannot be made, and the current cannot go through the needle tube. The wall of the tube will follow the spring, which will cause the resistance to be too large and the voltage will drop sharply. Causes the phenomenon of instantaneous power failure of electronic products.

  二. Needle tube

The design of   needle tube will be designed in accordance with the customer's structural space and product functional requirements as well as the guarantee of life. Can provide common and opposite designs for selection.


  Processing technology: Precise computer machining, which can guarantee the dimensional accuracy, the accuracy can reach 0.02mm, and the product life can reach more than 100,000 times.

  Material: stainless steel SUS304, piano steel wire.

   Finally, with the addition of insulating plastic parts, according to different spacing requirements, it can be combined into various pogo pin connectors.

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